Monday, June 30, 2008


Greetings and Welcome to my web log.

As I prepared for my 2005 Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike, the one thing that I wished for was more information on vegan thru-hiking, backpacking and long distance hiking. As I learned more, found resources and created solutions, I became intrigued by the idea of creating a web page that served as a resource hub for other vegan hikers. Well, three year later, here I finally go... I have to thank my dad, who recently started a blog at His blog is becoming a great resource for ultralite hiking, information for diabetics and hiking in the Pacific Northwest. Seeing his success has definitely been the inspiration that actually got this blog up and going.

I don't expect to post every day, but hope, as I have time and topics, to post regular articles about food, equipment and other issues related to hiking from a vegan perspective. If you have any particular questions, topics or areas of interest, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to respond or post as soon as possible.

Like many vegans I am vegan for a number of reasons. These include: a striving for greater ecological sustainability, a deep reverence for all life, objection to modern factory farming and a strong desire to keep my body physically clean and healthy. Since being vegan for me is more than just simply a diet, more than likely, many of the posts will drift into the realm of "ecologically sustainable hiking and camping" and general human/athlete nutrition.

At first, I am planning a series of posts related to my lessons learned thru-hiking the PCT. These posts will include: my packing list and the decisions that I made regarding each piece of equipment from a vegan/"green" perspective; the food that I prepared for the trail, daily menus, recipes and lessons learned; and key veggie friendly stops along the trail.

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Toby, Thanks for startign this blog. As a Vegan starting a thru-hike on teh AT in 2009 I am hunting down resources in an effort to stay true to my truth! I'm currently worried aboutshoes and clothing being vegan. Are you planning on writting about this anytime soon or have any good resources? Thanks!